- Making admission contrary to merit determined in accordance with the declared admission policy of the institution;
- Irregularity in the admission process adopted by the Institution;
- Refusing admission in accordance with the declared admission policy of the Institution;
- Non publication of prospectus, (either hard copy / online) as specified in these regulations;
- Publishing any information in the prospectus, which is false or misleading, and not based on facts;
- Withhold or refuse to return any document in the form of certificate of degree, diploma or any other award or other document deposited with it by a students for the purpose of seeking admission in such Institution, with a view to induce or compel such student to pay any fee or fees in respect of any course or programme of study which such student does not intend to pursue;
- Demand of money in excess of that specified in the declared admission policy to be charged by such Institution;
- Breach in reservation policy in admission as may be applicable;
- Nonpayment or delay in payment of scholarships to any student that such Institution is committed, under the condition imposed by University Grants Commission, or by any other authority;
- Delay in conduct of examinations or declaration of result beyond the specified schedule in the academic calendar;
- On provision of student amenities as may have been promised or required to be provided by the institution;
- Non transparent or unfair evaluation practices;
- Refund of fees, in case a student withdraws the admission within the stipulated time as mentioned in the prospectus, as notified by the Commission from time to time.
To lodge grievance, please mail to grievanceredressal.students@brainwareuniversity.ac.in