70031 62601Academics
33 6901 0507“Brainwave: A Multidisciplinary Journal” having ISSN 2582 – 659X, being published by Brainware University, Barasat, Kolkata 700125, since 2020, is now being published quarterly (March, June, September & December) from 2022. It is relevant to mention in this connection that in the period 2020-2021, it was being published twice a year. It aims to publish Review Articles, Research Articles and the contributions comprise all the branches of Science, Engineering, Technology, Law, Management, Health Science, Social Science etc. The Journal is an open access journal making your work freely available online immediately upon publication. Our high-level peer-review and production processes guarantee the quality and reliability of the published work in the Journal. Contributions of interdisciplinary nature are highly appreciated for soliciting a wide spectrum readership of the journal.
The University continues to branch out its research vision with new and experienced faculty members and implementing policies to improve the research infrastructure through new academic and industry collaborations. The University with their researchers and other teams continues to regularly welcome external partners who support our vision by pooling resources, sharing ideas and collaborating on findings promoting innovative research. By expanding our reach to connect with intellectually engaged audiences across a variety of platforms and throughout academia and beyond, we look to lead the way into the future of scholarly publishing. Research has been an integral element for higher education since the time of its inception. The Research Development Cell at Brainware University provides a highly visible research environment to its scholars and students with an objective to research culture and develop the habit of leadership within the university. The cell supports all kinds of scholarly activities like applied research, development contract research and fundamental research for government, non-government and international agencies.
Prof. (Dr.) Sankar Gangopadhyay
Vice Chancellor, Brainware University & Editor-in-Chief, Brainwave: A Multidisciplinary Journal Brainware University, West Bengal, India