Our Vision
To develop the Department of English and Literary Studies as a centre for
academic excellence based on the following strengths—
- by offering students a curriculum based on a wide range of literatures,
traditions and theoretical approaches aimed at establishing a clear grasp of
major concerns in culture and literature with focus on relevance to career
plans, skill development, critical and creative thinking, research, social
and ethical engagements and life-long learning
- by going beyond the curriculum and providing students additional courses to
build a strong foundation for doctoral research and acquire transferable
skills for related careers in publishing, teaching, theatre, management,
journalism, civil services and so on.
- by aiming to create one of the leading research centres in Literary Studies
with a team of highly accomplished faculty members with interdisciplinary
research expertise
- by promoting quality education and research facilities at affordable fees
and thereby casting a transformative light on society
Our Mission
- To help students to develop a thorough and comprehensive understanding of
social, historical, cultural and literary diversities of the world.
- To endorse an overall growth of students and faculty members by promoting
research in interdisciplinary and socially relevant areas
- To help students to see themselves as professionals, with expertise in
communication and soft skills and abilities valuable in the corporate as
well as in the education sector
- To balance the needs of general education by incorporating global
perspectives in the curriculum and offering courses on language,
communication, employability skills, creative writing, culture studies, and
translation studies.
- To foster human values, civic responsibilities and life-long learning not
only through a holistic curriculum but also through various academic and
social outreach activities.