
A Phenomenal Poster-Making and Story-Telling Competition organised by the Communication Club

A Phenomenal Poster-Making and Story-Telling Competition 2023

Paint the Tale

The vibrant halls of Brainware University echoed with creativity as the Communication Club hosted a phenomenal Poster-Making and Story-Telling Competition!

Our talented participants unleashed their artistic prowess, addressing pertinent issues affecting the youth. The fusion of art and social messages sparked new perspectives, challenging conventional thoughts. After all, a picture speaks louder than words!

This event was more than just colors on paper; it was a canvas of change. Themes centered around sustainable and compassionate living captured the essence of our budding minds' aspirations. From sustainable cities to women's empowerment, green living, and equal opportunities, our Brainware family painted a vivid picture of a better future.

In a world where unconventional thoughts face resistance, our participants made waves with their impactful storytelling. These young minds dared to challenge norms, making us ponder over issues often overlooked. This event served as a reminder that the power of poster making lies in merging reality with accessibility, encouraging us to think beyond the ordinary.