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Did you know that 'City of Bones', the famous novel by Cassandra Clare which is the first book of the best-selling series 'The Mortal Instruments', is a work of fan fiction? 'The Mortal Instruments' can also be called Draco Malfoy trilogy as the antagonist from Harry Potter who has been portrayed as an anti-hero in this series!
Dr. Pinaki De, Associate Professor, Raja Peary Mohan College, Uttarpara shared certain important insights with the students while delivering his keynote address at the '1st International Conference on Literature, Film and Web Adaptations: Adaptations and Appropriations'. The conference was organised by the Department of English and Literary Studies on March 4, 2023.
Rajaditya Banerjee, theater artist and filmmaker was also the guest speaker at the conference. His lecture focused how these performing arts should cater to those at the bottom of the pyramid. In his address, Banerjee highlighted the ability to read between the lines of a text. "With this one can identify between fake news and news that is fake," he added.
A number of papers on the topic exploring various sections were also presented in the course of the conference. At Brainware University, it is seen that the students develop a knack for academic research. Furthermore, the seminars conducted by industry experts and professors from reputed organisations help the students to develop their skills.