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HomeLaw Research


Research Activities of the Department of Law

Department of Law, Brainware University has an extremely robust and contemporary research background. The members of the faculty are involved with publication of their works in UGC-referred or peer reviewed journals, both national and international. Most faculty members here are research scholars themselves and due to this, the research mechanism and involvement is also very deep seated. Publications have come out on both social and legal disciplines, since law can sometimes be integrated with the other social sciences. The variety of articles range from domestic procedural laws to research international concepts and conventions. The department strives to bring out at least one standard publication per month and always encourages its members to do the same.

Existing Doctoral Research Domain:

Labour law, Child rights, Mental health laws, international humanitarian laws, Intellectual Property law, Banking law, Human rights.

Sl No Title of paper Authors/s Journal Name Status
The shifting role and standpoint of trade union in India Adhikari Sudipta & Banerjee Kaushik Journal of Xidian Universityhttp://www.xadzkjdx.cn/ ISSN : 1001-2400
Employees' perception towards Green HRM practices in Indian Power Sector - A case study of DVC Kar, S.k., Chandan Kumar, Dibakar Bose & Banerjee Kaushik International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology ISSN : 2005-4238
Addiction to tobacco, wine, drugs by adoloscent of West Bengal Kar, S.k., Chandan Kumar, Dibakar Bose & Banerjee Kaushik International Journal of Psychological Rehabilitation ISSN: 1475-7192
Right to Employment and Disability in India: Special Reference to State of Tripura. SAMIR BHADURY HUMAN RIGHTS AND DISABILITY LAWS ISBN NO- 978-93-87294-32-5
The Concept of Artificial Intelligence & Meaningful Human Control in International Humanitarian Law: A Game Changer or a Gross Violation Satavisha Haldar NUJS International Journal for Legal Studies & Research (IJLSR) ISSN(O): 2278-4764
Conference Name Conference Organizer Details with Date of Conference Title of paper Name of the author/s
8th National Students Conference held at Institute of Law, Nirma University Nirma University, 13.11.2019. Justification of Advanced Methods of Warfare under IHL: A Battle within a Battle Satavisha Haldar, Assistant Professor, Law
International Conference on Social Work, Law and Human rights. GNLU, Gandhinagar, 01.02.2020 Depression as a disability: An attempt to understand it and legally exculpate individuals who suffer from it. Purbita Das, Assistant Professor, Law
One Day International Seminar on: "Protection of Child Rights and Law relating to Women Empowerment". ILI, New Delhi in collaboration with Law Mantra,12.01.2020 A study of violence against girl child under institutional care with reference to West Bengal. Dr. Kabita Chakraborty, Assistant Professor, Law
ICSSR sponsored 2nd International Conference on Innovative business practices in a VUCA world ICSSR, 03.01.2020 CSR and sustainable development in India Amrita Das Gupta & Moumita Mitra
Book/ Book Chapter
Sl No Title Name of the author/s Publishers Details Book/Book Chapter
Her Body, Her Rights: A Socio-Legal Study of the Position of Women with Respect to New Reproductive Technologies Satavisha Haldar and Purbita Das Law Mantra Book chapter
ARTICLE - "Problem of rehabilitation and reintegration of Juveniles with reference to West Bengal: A dritical appraisal " BOOK- "Family law : Problems and remedies.", THESIS publication (under modifications as per the new law) Dr. Kabita Chakraborty Bharti Publications(New Delhi) Book chapter