70031 62601Academics
33 6901 0507In this fast pacing world of technological advances it is very important to keep in touch withtrends and skills that redefine us as professionals.The Department of Multimedia organised a workshop on “Motion Graphics” with theview of projecting recent developments in the field of Logo Designing on May, 19, 2021, to educate the students in the modern aspects of the same.
Motion Graphics expert, Mr.Joydeep Mukherjee, HiH7 WebtechPvt. Ltd. introduced to the students, the fascinating world of Logo Designing. He elaborated how the Logo design is the most basic tool in the field of branding and marketing that can be potentially used to create a brand identity for any business. “Hence a lot of thought needs to be applied to design an effective logo,” instructed Mr. Mukherjee. He continued the workshop by giving the students a practical demonstration of the designing process of an effect Logo right from the client specificationsto the conceptualizing and designing aspects.
Eager students retorted with a number of enthusiastic questions which were not only answered by Mr.Mukherjee, but also very patiently demonstrated by him practically.
Joydeep Mukherjee’s workshop allowed the students to transcend the syllabus and acquire skills that will not only better their professional skills but also help them establish themselves in the industry.