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'Jarvis' was alerted! Tony Stark said, "Any moment now!" Loki threw Stark out of the window and Jarvis to the rescue! Stark's iron suit was dispatched and he landed safely to challenge Loki for another duel. Those who are acquainted with the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) must recall this scene from Avengers!
Jarvis the AI mechanism attached to the iron suit of Tony Stark a.k.a Iron Man! People often tend to discard superhero films by citing that they have little resemblance with reality! However, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the latest technological trends. In an attempt to acquaint the CSE students with this latest trending technology, the Department of Computer Science and Technology in collaboration with the Institution Innovation Council (IIC) organised a 2-hour online event on 'Artificial Intelligence in Real World' on July 9, 2022, from 12 PM to 2 PM.
Dr. Sibani Mohapatra, Consulting Partner, Higher Education Unit, TCS ION was the speaker at the event. She discussed how AI is contributing to making the daily works of human lives. Through a PPT, she explained the various categories of AI and how it can be useful for various sectors. She also cited examples regarding the implementation of AI in human lives.
The students from CSE (AI & ML) course attended the session which was an intriguing one for them. It provided them with the encouragement to modify their innovations and put them into good use.