
Faculty Orientation Programme on Entrepreneurship-Brainware University

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A light that guides the way

Why do students shy away from pursuing their dream business? A majority of first-generation entrepreneurs cire lack of guidance as being one of the primary hurdles they had to overcome. To boost the cooperation between students and teachers in developing innovative business models and to empower teachers with the tools to guide students in the right manner, the Institute Innovation Council(IIC), Brainware University organised a special Faculty Orientation Programme on November 19, 2021 at 4:30 PM. We invited industry expert Mr. Rabin Roy(Founder & Managing Director, SunCraft Energy) to share the transformative potential of mentorship with our faculty members.

Mr Roy began by saying that it is not necessary for every mentor to be an entrepreneur. "You can guide your students and help them with what you know the best, that can be product development, logo design or marketing. It takes a village to set up a successful business so be there for them in whichever way you can," he said.

Mr Roy shared interesting strategies to guide students and provide moral support. "The students look up to you so anything you say has more value in their eyes. Be positive but firm. Compliment them and also provide suggestions for better performance," he said while sharing success stories of mentorship with the participants.

The event came to an end with an interactive discussion session where faculty members shared their apprehensions and got advice from our guest. We hope that together we can serve our students and inspire them to be change-makers in society.