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MBA students learn the pillars of business in insightful workshop

MBA students are the pillars of business

The Campus-to-Corporate (C2C) cell of Brainware University organised a workshop for the MBA students on ‘Marketing and Sales of Ready-Mix Industry’ on January 13, 2023. The session headed by Dharmendra Kumar Jaiswal (Business Head - Eastern Region, RDC Concrete) was based on the marketing strategies involved in the ready-mix cement industry. With 17 years of hands-on experience in the market, Jaiswal ingrained the 3Ds required to strengthen the backbone of any company: Discipline, Determination, and Devotion.

After a brief introduction to the types and components of ready-mix concrete, the students were introduced to the marketing hacks that can generate and sustain sales effectively, such as attaining technical certifications and credentials, identifying market trends and potential client requirements, and keeping a check on the gross profit margin. The students indeed gained deep insight into the 5 pillars of business, which will definitely prove helpful in their careers as management personnel and entrepreneurs!