70031 62601Academics
33 6901 0507Honouring Sacrifice, Celebrating Togetherness
Education is a pathway to freedom since it teaches us to learn, think, and question. Today India is the largest democracy in the world and a growing superpower because 75 years back there were bravehearts who dared to challenge the norm. Brainware University celebrated India’s 75th Independence Day in advance on August 10,2021 at 11:30 AM to pay homage to the immeasurable courage and determination of our country’s freedom struggle. The ‘Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav’ programme started with Ms. Anandita Das’s (Assistant Registrar, Brainware University) speech about the importance of being together to celebrate this national event. She discussed the immense sacrifice and bloodshed that went into creating a free India which we get to enjoy today. “We are here because they chose to fight for us and hence it is our duty to make sure that everything we do makes our country proud. That should be our goal,” she said.
Following this she presented a short film on India’s journey to freedom which highlighted the rich culture of struggle and perseverance which has come to define the Indian spirit. The students and the faculty members jointly sang the national anthem and pledged to uphold the brilliance and integrity of our great motherland.
The final part of the event was focused on a cultural performance where everyone recited poems to express the love that they feel for their country. Amongst the recitations in different languages, Bangla, Nepali, Hindi, one thing was common--- an understanding that truly even with all our differences and diversity our hearts beat together as one nation always sharing the heritage of a glorious past. Faculty members like Ms. Krishna Ghosh, Dr. Kabita Chakroborty, Ms. Satavisha Haldar, and students Sipra Kundu, & Abhilash Tripathi recited poems which helped us understand the true meaning of freedom. The programme ended with the National Anthem.