Your college degree is sometimes not enough to flourish in the field of marketing communications. You must get some of your skills polished before you step out and face the industrial world.
Whether you start your own blog or volunteer as a freelance writer, it is mandatory to begin writing. It is very crucial as soon as you step into the professional world because the entire essence of brand image depends on how you communicate and makes the business all successful. Marketing communications, content marketing, digital marketing, and social media marketing internships are some examples of the types of internships that will let you practice the required skills.
Start Jotting
Whether you start your own blog or volunteer as a freelance writer, it is mandatory to begin writing. It is very crucial as soon as you step into the professional world because the entire essence of brand image depends on how you communicate and makes the business all successful.
When you’re into the job, you might be asked to write pieces which can help in creating the brand image.
Develop Your Graphic Design Skills
Communication of a brand is often done through the marketing collateral the brand produces, whether it’s the buckslips, flyers, print/banner ads, or even branded info graphics for social media. As such, it’s imperative that you develop your graphic design skills. While some organizations/companies have their own graphic design team that handles the brand assets, quite a few others look for candidates who can, not only write the copy that’s going in a marketing piece, but design the overall look and feel of it to match brand standards as well.
Strategically Plan A Social Media Page
Social media accounts and what you communicate through them make up a huge part of an organization’s brand image. Before coming into a role in marketing communications, it would really be helpful for you to learn how to strategically manage a social media page. What this means is that your posts on social media should serve a bigger purpose than simply letting your audience know that you’re still alive.
Get To The Basic Of HTML
You may think that HTML coding is only required for web designers or developers, but that’s far from the truth. As a marcom professional, there may be many times you need to get into the back end of your organization’s website to modify copy, or add in a new link. Maybe you’ll need to post a new article on your organization’s blog and format the associated graphics and text properly.
Find A Relevant Internship
This is something you’ve heard time and time again, and it’s extremely true. Internships are going to provide you with the hands-on experience to apply the skills you’ve been developing, in an organizational setting where results are actually measured and taken seriously. This is the opportunity for you to make your skills really count. That being said, don’t apply to just any internship. Make sure you apply to an internship that actually offers you the opportunity to put these skills into practice.
Marketing communications, content marketing, digital marketing, and social media marketing internships are some examples of the types of internships that will let you practice the above skills.