Animation and multimedia encompass a wide range of creative...
Multimedia Courses
Are you interested in Multimedia degree courses in Kolkata? Then...
B.Sc and M.Sc in Animation & Multimedia The School...
India is witnessing a growing demand for Multimedia professionals....
Placement grooming is very significant to put high emphasis...
Networks are the backbone of business today and are...
New media marketing includes promoting products, services and brands...
Are you interested in Multimedia degree courses in Kolkata?...
Multimedia and Web is one of those courses which...
Are you looking to do a BCA after your...
Now that college fair season has arrived,...
AI and Machine Learning With the worldwide robotics technology...
Master of computer Applications (MCA) is a three-year skilled...
The demand for Hardware and Networking experts is at...
Every year more than one core students appear for...
Career In Multimedia and Web Development Web Development’ is...