In the contemporary landscape of the digital era, there...
Animation and multimedia encompass a wide range of creative...
Being one of the fastest growing sectors in the...
Are you interested in Multimedia degree courses in Kolkata? Then...
B.Sc and M.Sc in Animation & Multimedia The School...
Two- dimensional animation mainly deals with drawing and framing...
There are lot of career opportunities for the students,...
The world is changing; we are living in the...
India is witnessing a growing demand for Multimedia professionals....
Technology has changed the way businesses are operating nowadays....
Many different materials can be used in 3D printing...
There has been a great interest in the recent...
New media marketing includes promoting products, services and brands...
Are you interested in Multimedia degree courses in Kolkata?...
Multimedia and Web is one of those courses which...
AI and Machine Learning With the worldwide robotics technology...