In a lot of our essays here, we had stressed the importance of UG GPA, if one wants to be placed. As we all know that most of the quality companies has a GPA cut off from fresh graduates. because other things considered GPA is good metric/parameter to determine the candidates, determination, sincerity, dedication and time management skills.But a good GPA is not the end of the story.
Usually the companies that come to hire are on the lookout for well rounded candidates who have decent academic records and also have leadership potential. One of the best way to prove that you indeed have leadership potential is to participate in extracurriculars like leading a debate club, leading the football team, volunteering in a not for profit organization etc. Following are the reasons why you should indulge in certain extracurricular activities.
Possibility to Develop Leadership Acumen : One of the best way to show companies that you have what it takes to become a leader is to show that you had positions of responsibilities. And what’s a better way than attempting to form clubs – and assuming responsibilities like leader of sports team, secretary of a club, forming a band etc? You will get to show the companies that you are enterprising and dynamic and can take challenges.
Chance to offset a comparatively lower Grad Score : Sometimes due to factor beyond our reach – lack of interest in subject chosen, due to chronic illness of a blood relative, strict marking system of the alma mater – Under Graduation marks might not turn out to be satisfactory. If you’re UG GPA is less than satisfactory then all the extra curricular achievements – be it sports, be it debates , be it volunteer work etc can mitigate your resume to a large extent. It can go on to show that you have potential and have excelled in other fields if not acads.
Boosts your resume : Participating in relevant extracurriculars boosts resume. If an engineering student, try to participate in tech fests, software or app development competitions etc.
At the end of the day firms look for a well rounded individual who is focused and goal oriented . Having overall decent academics and a bit of extra curriculars can go a long way making you a strong contender for lucrative jobs.