Consider the everyday products you use, Mechanical engineering is often called an evergreen BTech Branch, not without reason. Mechanical engineering has been relevant, ever since man invented wheel – one of the first machines. No matter Most of technical jobs ( or anything related to technology) will include mechanical and manufacturing topics or activities. There will be a little bit of mechanical engineering in every branch of engineering!
So if you are a student of this evergreen branch of engineering, then these are some of the best career prospects for you –
Power Sector : This is one of the major employers of mechanical engineering graduates. This includes power plants, thermal industries, and hydro (NTPC) sector. Fresh graduates are generally hired for junior maintenance engineer at power plants. Graduates are usually recruited through UPSC exams ( Union Public Service Commission) or through the GATE.
Production Sector : Another popular employment sector for mech. engineers. is the production sector. The production sector involves a lot of manufacturing activities – which again needs a lot of well performing machines! Recruitment here is also done via GATE exams.
Research Sector : You can also apply to institutes like DRDO (Defence Research & Development Organization), ISRO ( Indian Space Research Organization, BARC ( Bhabha Atomic Research Center) etc. These organizations hold recruitment exams once in 2 or 3 years.
Automotive Sector : An important part of mechanical engineering is automobile engineering, where you have to help construct, design, repair and upgrade automobile parts. If you have good marks, some good internships etc, then you can get recruited to a good automobile manufacturing firm.
Printing Sector : You can also find jobs in 3D Printing sector, if you have the requisite credentials.