A Comprehensive Review of Integrating LDCT and Radiomics for Improved Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer and Role in Treatment


  • Joydip Jana Brainware University Author
  • Sampriti Kar Brainware University Author


LDCT (Low-dose Computed Tomography), Radiomics, Quantitative Analysis, PET (Positron Emission Tomography), NSCLC (Non-small Cell Lung Cancer), SSNs (Sub Solid Nodules)


Carcinoma, the medical abbreviation of cancer is the most typical cause of deaths not only in world but also in India and among them the most regular cases of deaths are associated with Lung Cancer or Bronchogenic Carcinoma. Though the recent application of Low-dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) screening has significantly reduced the risk of loss by giving a comprehensive monitoring of the lesions, it comes with certain limitations linked with false positive outcomes, over or unnecessary diagnosis. And here comes the discussion of the integration of radiomics with LDCT (Low-dose Computed Tomography) aid scans. In this literature we review the limitations of LDCT and how the working of radiomics and its application is helping the early diagnosis of lung carcinoma and also how it can be further used to evaluate a more accurate prognosis. This review concludes that radiomics has the potential to become a valuable diagnostic and prognostic tool for the physicians and a comfort partner for the patients by reducing the parameters of all risk factors.

Author Biographies

  • Joydip Jana, Brainware University

    Student, B.Sc. Medical Radiology & Imaging Technology Dept. of Allied Health Sciences, Brainware University, West Bengal, India

  • Sampriti Kar, Brainware University

    Student, B.Sc. Medical Radiology & Imaging Technology Dept. of Allied Health Sciences, Brainware University, West Bengal, India.







How to Cite

Jana, J., & Kar, S. (2024). A Comprehensive Review of Integrating LDCT and Radiomics for Improved Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer and Role in Treatment. Brainwave: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 5(4), 888–896. https://www.brainwareuniversity.ac.in/brainwave-papers/index.php/bamj/article/view/11