Editorial, BrainwaveAbstract
It is my immense pleasure to announce the
publication of Vol. 5 Issue No. 3 of “Brainwave:
A Multidisciplinary Journal”, published by
Brainware University, West Bengal, India. The
Journal invites online submissions of articles of
different disciplines. The submitted articles are
double-blind peer reviewed by renowned
reviewers. The Journal ensures reasonable time
gap between the submission and final
publication. I also take this opportunity to extend
my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the members
of both editorial board and editorial advisory
board. I am also indebted to our reviewers who
have spared their valuable time in this context. I
congratulate the authors whose articles have been
accepted for publication in this Journal. At the
same time it is my earnest appeal to the authors,
whose papers have been rejected on account of
some shortcomings, not to feel demotivated but
try to overcome the shortcomings in order to
make their articles publishable.
Our objective is to recommend publication of
those articles, which contain novel ideas in
different disciplines. Thus, the Journal provides
an ideal platform for growth of research in areas
of contemporary interest.
Further, we have tried our level best in order to
maintain the quality of the Journal. Still, I am of
firm belief that constructive suggestions from the
readers and the article contributors can help a lot
for further improvement of the quality of the
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