Bear in mind that whatever subjects you choose in college, you will have to spend a great deal of time learning it. So, it’s advisable to think over it seriously. Typically, the best time to decide on your field of study is right before your 11th grade if you haven’t already.
Here is a guide to choosing your college major:
Choosing a Specific Career Path
If you already know which career you’re looking forward to when you graduate, it becomes easier to choose your specialized area of study. However, before you decide that you want to go down that career path, look into the relevant discipline. Check out the syllabus and subjects you will have to take on. Talk to students in the department of your choice. Are you sure you’re ready for the coursework involved?
Future Earning Potential
Pay scale can be a major factor for students who are planning to take out a loan for their education. Trying to pay it back while barely scraping through, hardly makes sense when you have invested so much in college. Courses like Engineering, Actuarial Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Statistics and Economics lead to the highest salaries. That being said, your six-figure salary won’t be worth it if you’re not content with the career path you have chosen for yourself.
Favourite Subjects
If there is a particular subject that you absolutely love, then it’s a great sign that you have found your area of study. Proclivity for a subject can translate into better understanding of the subject matter and better grades. Eventually, you will be able to get into a job that truly holds meaning for your passion.
Explore Your Interests
If you’re not sure about what you want to study, exploring your underlying interests might help you find what you’re looking for. Talk to your teachers and advisors to help you find your best fit. Who knows? You may end up on the right track.
Double Major
If your knowledge for hunger is not appeased by a single area of study, some universities also offer dual degrees. Make sure to research about the university you are applying for and how much of a load it’s going to be on you throughout the semesters.
As for the fear that you may lose interest in a subject halfway through, there is always a possibility of changing your academic field. However, it may take you more than the traditional four years of study to earn your college degree due to the change of coursework and requisite subjects.
It’s also interesting that many graduates end up with a job that has nothing to do with what they studied in college. So, don’t worry if you haven’t got it all figured out yet!