The time after the plus two exams is very vital for any student. Is the time when if the correct decision is not taken, it can leave a lasting effect on one’s career. Brainware University has the answers to your dilemmas. Brainware University offers bba admission in kolkata . Recognised by the UGC, this course gives the students vital insight into the world of management with its host of opportunities. The course of Bachelor of Business Administration is beneficial to students in diverse ways. It develops a student’s managerial skills by providing him/her with broader perspective through knowledge of all functions, enhancing his/her decision-making capability and sharpening his/her communication skills. BBA students have an edge over other graduates as they get direct entry into the corporate world. . Industry requirements forecast at least 3 million Management professionals in India by the year 2020. The KMPG Report states that the Digital marketing sector will experience a 30% growth by the end of this decade. Managers are needed in every type of businesses. They can find employment in diverse areas including business houses, financial organization, banks, and educational institutes, marketing organizations, business consultancies, export companies, industrial houses and multinational companies. The course provides job opportunities in the posts of information system manager, business administration professor, production manager, finance manager, human resource manager, business administration researcher, and management accountant, business consultant, marketing manager, and research and development manager. One of the top private universities in West Bengal with a low fee structure, Brainware University has designed a course that along with the theoretical aspects stresses equally on practical application aimed towards the wholesome development of the students. Students can reap the benefits of the one week Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp supported by EDI, Kolkata. Students are given first-hand practical training and experience of how the market operates through regular Industry Institute Interface, Live Projects, Workshops, Seminars and Industry Visits. Along with this, we also have a fully equipped and functioning Entrepreneurship Cell and Management lab Program that aims at fostering the students’ creativity and innovation.